September 2013 Newsletter

August was a club day with some members showing different skills in what they do best. I didn’t get photos of everyone, I don’t know why, and one of those was Dawn who was quietly hand carving little sailing boats. She also had on display some of her pyrography pieces and three different types of tool for this art.

Bernard was turning light pulls from acrylics and Keith was busy turning small bells for Christmas tree decorations. I’ve heard of shop early for Christmas but bells in August?

Geoff Horsfield was turning pots with African blackwood lids decorated with dots made using different diameter bonsai wire. This looks like silver but does not tarnish. (A lesson I learnt from Pat Hughes)

On the big lathe we had Paul turning a crushgrind pepper/salt mill. He looked impressive as he actually read the instructions copied from the Stiles and Bates catalogue.

Just a few pictures that Fred took at Farming World (In the gallery).
Although the weather was awful on Saturday the sun came out for the rest of the bank holiday and we had a lot of visitors with pennies to spend.
At the end of the weekend we had raised £400.10 which will be sent to Macmillan nurses.
Well done to everyone involved in the weekend.

Mytchett 2013 is on again.

Although it was announced at the start of the meeting that we would not be at the SAW show in October because we had no one to set it up we have since had volunteers to step in so it is back on.
This means we really do need a selection of turning from you so that we can choose ten pieces to enter on the competition table.
And this year the rules have been changed again. We can now select work that is up to five years old instead of the current year only provided it has not been shown in a national competition before.
Please bring all you have to the September meeting although the October meeting would be ok if a bit tight for us to make a suitable selection.

As usual we will also have our club table where we can show our work or if you want to sell stuff all we need is for it to be priced. I will be away for most of September so if you are going to get involved please contact either
Pat Hughes on 01622 753753 or email
Or Matthew Jevons on 01795 886341 or email

Let’s go grab the trophy this year.

Fish and chip lunch
Also now is probably a good time to mention the fish and chip lunch. This year it’s a bit later due to clashes with other meetings and events and it will be held on Saturday 5th October. We suggest arriving around 11 to 11.30 and the food will be delivered at 12 o’clock.
Skittles will be tumbled again as usual.


Notice board

Roger Martin has officially resigned as treasurer and Paul Hunt has taken his place. Many thanks to Roger for making sure we remained solvent during his term in office. Paul will continue to help Matthew with organising the events.